Comments & Complaints
Comments & Complaints

We listen to comments, complaints and feedback and act on them effectively. As an organisation we encourage comments, complaints and feedback and we will not discriminate against individuals who make complaints on comments. We have put systems in place to deal with comments, complaints and feedback.

You have the right to make a complaint about any aspect of our services. We encourage feedback because it’s used to improve the services we provide. If you wish to share your views and experiences, positive or negative, please contact us immediately.

If you’re unhappy with any aspect of our service, please contact us immediately to discuss your concerns so that we may be able to sort the issue out quickly.

What to Expect

You should expect an acknowledgement of your complaint within five working days of receiving your complaint. After receiving your complaint we will launch an investigation, and depending on the nature of the complaint we endeavour to resolve complaints within 28 days of receipt.

In some cases or serious complaints, we may involve the police, local social services or any other professional body.

If you have not heard from us after five working days please get in touch us to find out if your complaint has been received.

All complaints and outcomes are monitored and evaluated and will be assessed as part of the Quality Assurance process.

If for any reason the response is delayed for any reason, you will be kept informed.

Concerns and Complaints (England) Policy

Download Complaints, Complements and Suggestions Form

Complaints, Suggestions and Compliments Form

    Your Name*

    Your Email*

    Your Address

    Name and contact details of the person to which the complaint, concern or compliment refers:

    Details of complaint, concern or compliment (include dates, times and witnesses where possible):

    Names of any employees specifically complained of or complimented:

    Name of person originally complained to (if not the person completing this form):

    We take your your privacy seriously. Please tick to acknowledge that you have read our Privacy Policy and understand how we collect and process your data.

    Request Callback

      Your Name*

      Your Email*

      Your Telephone*


      Best Time To Call*